There are different levels of motivation. Depending on what we choose to do, we can be driven to action or quite lazy.
Why sometimes you cannot get to do something despite you know you should and sometimes you just do it and forget the time passing?
You must have heard this many times – just do what you love! Here is the scientific explanation on why it is the best choice. Not only because it is pleasant to do what you like, but also because this is the most effective use of our energy. Our performance, persistence and creativity are at best level if we do things for which we are intrinsically motivated.
What is intrinsic motivation?

There is a whole spectrum of motivation. It ranges from a complete amotivation, through different levels of external motivation to the intrinsic motivation:
Amotivation when we are forced to do things, we do not want to do and do not believe they would bring us anything.
External motivation when we do an activity to obtain a separable outcome (for example a good grade or money). The level of externally induced motivation increases depending on how much the external stimuli is in accordance with our personal beliefs and values.
Intrinsic motivation when we perform an activity just for the sake of doing it, independently of the attainment of separate outcomes.
In other words, what would you do if you would not need money, approval of other people or any other separable outcome of your action?
And not, doing nothing would not make you happy, but this is a topic for another post...
It is important to mention that intrinsic motivation, does not mean internal. The joy of the intrinsically motivated action can also come from external factors (e.g., when you have fun from interacting with the environment).
The main difference between intrinsic and external motivation is the instrumentalization of the action:
If the main reason we perform an activity are the consequences, this is extrinsic motivation. In this case we instrumentalise the activity (do A to get B).
If the main reason we perform an activity is just the enjoyment of the activity itself, this is intrinsically motivated. In this case there is no instrumentalization.
Intrinsic motivation comes from the natural tendency to be curious and to explore. It works particularly well when we do things which are not too difficult nor too easy. Too much novelty with respect to our skills and knowledge causes anxiety while the opposite causes boredom. Therefore, it is a good idea to gradually increase difficulty in everything we do.

Doing things for which we are intrinsically motivated is more than just a fun. It is also the best way to learn a wide range of competencies. It allows us to acquire so-called high-level skills, which are much more versatile than specific skills we gain working on narrowly defined instrumentally driven task.
How can you find things which are intrinsically motivating for you?
Well, the only way I know is exploration and testing by experience. Our predictions and plans are based on our current knowledge of the world, which is never perfect and highly impacted by other people experiences which may be completely different. Therefore, the best strategy is just trying different things and see which one drives you most energy.
Further reading:
1. How can we define intrinsic motivation? Oudeyer PY, Kaplan F
2. The Emerging Neuroscience of Intrinsic Motivation: A New Frontier in Self-Determination Research Front Hum Neurosci. Di Domenico SI, Ryan RM. 2017 Mar 24;11:145. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00145. PMID: 28392765; PMCID: PMC5364176.
3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology Ryan RM, Deci EL
Thank you for this impressive article and the short video
Inner motivation has the best impact and each personality has its trigger for inner motivation, as well as a biological timing for it.
Therefore, I always try to find these two indicators in employees (colleagues) and work on related tasks together. Taking into consideration their ability and capability to perform