Ewelina Kurtys

I graduated in pharmacy and biotechnology in Poland. After having done research projects on different topics (pharmacology, microbiology, and neuroscience) and in different countries (Poland, Belgium and Italy) I decided to pursue a PhD in neuroscience in Groningen, the Netherlands, where I specialised in brain imaging. Since imaging really fascinated me, I continued to work in this field as a postdoc at Kings College in London.
After my postdoc, I decided to leave academia to broaden my options for the future development. My first industry job was at medical imaging service company where I learnt basic skills in business development and project management while still actively using my academic expertise in medical imaging.
The work in imaging services was also a great opportunity for me to learn about the latest applications of Artificial Intelligence since AI is heavily used to optimise imaging data analysis. This is how I became fascinated with technology and realised a broader range of possibilities beyond my current field.
To learn more about AI, I started my first company - consulting service Ekai Ltd, to work on business development in digital technologies. This way I learnt examples of what can be done in diverse industry sectors using software and hardware.
Working in industry thought me the usefulness of combining technical skills with psychology. So, I also shifted from focusing only on technical aspects of my work towards recognising the importance of such things like confidence or managing my stress.
After some time, I started to think on how I can best combine my previous academic experiences, my personal interests and my industry know how and here I am today, my main activities are:
(I) working with biocomputing startup which uses living neurons as computation units. I work mainly on business development for commercial, scientific and investment purposes. This project gives me the opportunity to learn about various applications of signal processing.
(II) building my own startup, Psync (https://psync-app.com/), which is a psychologist in the pocket aiming to bring the latest psychology tools directly into your pocket as a mental wellness app! This is a combination of my main interests: technology, neuroscience, and psychology.
It is a great adventure on creating my own team, product and practicing diverse skills in technical and creative work.
Psync has just opened a service arm, Psync solutions (https://psync-app.com/psyncsolutions/) where we want to apply our multidisciplinary expertise in innovation to solve challenging industry problems. Our mission is to help people work more effectively and take the most advantage of latest developments in automation. We believe it can help organisations to be more efficient and cost effective and will allow us to create more value for a better societ
Below is a map of my academic journeys :) I finished it in London which gave me great new opportunities beyond research work.

1. Poland
MSc Biotechnology
University of Life Science in Poznan
MSc Pharmacy
University of Medical Science in Poznan
2. Belgium
Research project
University of Ghent
3. Italy
Research project
University of Bologna
4. Netherlands
University of Groningen
5. United Kingdom
Post doc
King's College London